Tuesday, March 06, 2012

THE Daniel Fast March18 - April 7th, 2012

 LPC is encouraging all those who call LifePoint Church home, to praeryfully consider doing a Daniel Fast during the season of "LENT" beginning March 18th and ending April 7th ( 21 days later).

Here is some information on the fast from their wed site  http://danielfast.wordpress.com/

"The two foundational scriptures for the fast are Daniel 1:12 says, “Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.” Pulse is food grown from seed . . . corn, potatoes, rice and the like are all considered grown from seed.
Dan. 10:3 – I ate no pleasant or desirable food, nor did any meat or wine come into my mouth; and I did not anoint myself at all for the full three weeks (Daniel was mourning. The custom in that time was that men would wear oils and perfumes in their hair. But since Daniel was mourning, this was not appropriate and therefore he was in a simple and plain dress and hygiene).

Because of this, we eat no sweeteners of any kind, no deep fried foods and no fancy desserts. We also don’t use any stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol. So then, the Daniel Fast is a type of fast based on the combined fasting experiences of the prophet along with typical Jewish fasting principles. To be clear, we are not trying to reenact the prophet’s fast, but rather use the experiences to serve as guidelines for a partial fast that can be experienced by people today.

Giving up foods, submitting our fleshly cravings, and experiencing all those emotions and challenges is part of the fast. If we are merely substituting “yummy foods” for other “yummy foods” then we can miss the powerful lessons and the growth. On the other hand, the purpose of the Daniel Fast is much more than “to not enjoy food.” Otherwise we would all be eating some tasteless mush! Unlike traditional fasting where disciplines must focus on denying all food intake, the Daniel Fast disciplines must be exercised on denying specific foods only, as well as eating the right foods (which for most of us is a whole “new” world of discipline).

As a reminder, the definition of fasting is to restrict food for a spiritual purpose, and is an experience for the whole person – body, soul and spirit.

Find out more here and JOIN US as we seek the LORD for 21 days!

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